An ever-growing catalogue of stories and memories made while telling them. Still from a music video Luke co-directed and edited for Colin Stough, Outside Lookin' In Still from a music video Luke co-directed and edited for Colin Stough, Outside Lookin' In Luke on set of The Grand Strand with actor John Carroll Lynch and actor Wilds Clemmons. Luke directing a crowd of extras on set of The Grand Strand Still from a music video Luke co-directed and co-edited for HunterGirl, Bad Boy Still from a music video Luke co-directed and co-edited for Colin Stough, Amen Still from a music video Luke co-directed and co-edited for Colin Stough, Amen A still from a music video Luke shot, directed, and edited for Scott Kittleson, Ghost. A still from a music video Luke shot, directed, and edited for Scott Kittleson, Ghost. Still from music video Luke co-edited and co-directed, Like That by JP Saxe. Still from music video Luke co-edited and co-directed, Like That by JP Saxe. Still from music video Luke co-edited and co-directed, Like That by JP Saxe. Still from Luke's first directorial music video effort, Butterflies by Jeven.